Sunday, August 22, 2010

Baby Mark is my meds

So, baby Mark is here! I was scheduled for my c-section on August 17th, but he didn't want to wait. My water broke on Friday August 13th at 7am, got to the dr at 8:30 so they can check to make sure, squirted Dr. Keelan LOL, he sent us to the hospital. We got there about 9 or so, I was prepped and in for the section at 10:20. Dr Alexander was on and had a tough time getting through the scar tissue, and then had a tough time getting the baby out. She had to use the vacuum and at 10:52, baby Mark entered the world.

He was 6lbs 12oz and 19 in long. He is such a cutie pie!!! We had a rough first few days though as he had bouts of apnea and turned blue and dusky a few times, so he ended up in special care nursery. My 3rd baby I didn't have with me after giving birth. It was so hard, but we got through. My meds weren't compatible with breastfeeding, so they formula fed him in the hospital. He had lots of issues with acid reflux and spitting so they put him on Alimentum, which is a hypoallergenic formula and the most expensive on the market. I was prepared to go off my meds to breastfeed him, but I ran out steam to argue with the pediatricians and nurses.

I came home on Monday the 16th and he came home on the 17th. I went off my meds so I can nurse him, and the breast milk really agrees with him. He does not spit up, no more than normal anyway. He came home on an apnea monitor because of his issues in the hospital. We go to the apnea center on Sept 2nd to see what the next step is.

I'm doing well off the meds, but it's only been 6 days. I'm having a tough time dealing with stress, but what new mom doesn't? Tomorrow I have to call Dr. Kargman to inform him I'm off my meds. The thing is, I know what to look for, and if I have to go back on them, then so be it...but I want to do what's best for the baby and right now that's breastfeeding. I don't think everyone realizes how important it is to me. In any case, he's doing really well since being home.

The kids love Mark to pieces. They fight over who is going to hold him and when and for how long. They are adjusting well to our new family member. I'm really glad things are going so well. We just need to get them to keep their room clean. As soon as I'm able, Bob wants me to move their furniture back the way it was although I don't know when that will be.

Well, that's about all. I'll be putting up pictures of Mark in another post. See ya later.

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