Monday, June 29, 2009

what can be next??

Dr. K increased my lamictal and I started feeling better nearly right away the next day. Things were looking up, until I went to pick my meds up at the pharmacy. Insurance wasn't covering my abilify. I panicked...getting home quickly to call the insurance company. We've maxed out the allowed rx benefit we receive each year..

I'm just in a panic. I don't know what to do. A two week supply will cost me $94. I can't find the medicaid denial letter, so applying for patient assistance is out of the question, unless I tear through my room and files tomorrow, and even so, that process takes a little while to complete.

I'm just so frustrated, it's not even funny. Sometimes I just want to go to sleep for a while...not sure how long, but a while. Just when I think things are looking up, something knocks me down. It literally makes me crazy

Friday, June 26, 2009

My New Blog

Yes, another blog. I've been meaning to start one to help me with my bipolar dealings. It started about 6 weeks ago, this latest bout with depression, progressively getting worse. This is the longest depression I've had in just so long. Normally I'm on the high end of my cycling. I can't stand the depression, as it affects my entire family. The only good thing that comes out of it is I'm pretty calm, not easily angered or frustrated. But, I'll take a mania any day...and my manias are manias...truly awesome. Who wouldn't want to feel that good??

Diagnosed at age 16, I now, at nearly 34, finally found the best therapist "S" and the best psychiatrist Dr.K, in the entire world. They both truly care about my well being and are there for me ,24/7.

In any case, this is a start. I want to blog every day, and I might blog some more later. It might help me sort things out. I know I want to write about some dreams I've had lately.