Sunday, October 18, 2009

I know it's been a while

I know it's been a while since I last blogged. There really hasn't been anything going on. I've been feeling pretty good, thank goodness. My meds are the same, but I totally think the increase in abilify really did it. The only thing is, Dr. K wanted me to split the dose 15mg in the morning and 15mg at night, but I was just so tired during the day. I have decided to take the full dose at night, and I'm sure he'll be ok with that. I always have a pretty good feeling if you will about my meds.

Now, as for what happened a couple of months ago. I haven't blogged about it as I wasn't ready, but now I am. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in such a depression, I actually didn't want to live anymore. Hubby didn't understand, but he knew I had to do this for myself. I went in, and with the increase in meds and all the group therapies, I was actually in a good place after being depressed for so long.

I am so good at hiding my feelings, and acting like everything is good all the time, when it really isn't, and not just for me, but nobody is happy and all that all the time. I had to realize I need to be realistic about my feelings and how my life is. I love my life. I have everything I ever wanted, a husband, home, children. I have many blessings and I just needed to realize that. I also realized I needed to get my priorities straight. That time in the hospital is just what I needed to get my life on track.

Until next time.