Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nothing New

I know it's been a little while. Not much going on here on the bipolar front. I had an off day yesterday, but nothing to write home about. We've been keeping busy this summer going to the beach and river. B is on his 3rd week with no work, but he's going to help his brother tomorrow. Matt is going with him and is so excited, he went right to bed. Anna wants to go, my little tomboy, but one is enough.

my show is coming on, so I'm going to sign off for the night.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trying to get better

The depression came back, this time real quick. I called Dr. K right away and he increased my celexa. Hopefully I'll be back to myself soon. I really don't like this...I just want to be back to myself.

In other news, I was accepted into college, Georgian Court...although I'm just waiting to hear from federal aid or else I can't go...it's just way tooo expensive. I want to major in early childhood education with a minor in spanish. I just love spanish and want to back into it. It's really useful this day in age.

That's about all for now...until next time...Peace

Monday, July 6, 2009

Another med adjustment

So I had my pdoc appt today and we made more med adjustments. We both want to keep me from going back to where I was the last time I was there, which was a super sad state. So, my lamictal and abilify have been increased. I have seen a remarkable difference so far, which is good, so it can only get better from here.

Hubby took the kids to the beach today for the entire day, so it was a nice me day. I got the house clean, went foodshopping alone and just had some me time. I feel so refreshed right now. The kids are totally wiped out from being at the beach fronm 9am to 3pm, but that's a good thing. they'll sleep good tonight!!! :)